Hot tub cover tragedy

I hate to see stories like this, Firefighter drowns in hot tub, and it’s a stark reminder of the importance of making sure you are careful around hot tubs. Although in this case, having a cover would not have prevented the man from getting extremely drunk, taking some medicine, and passing out in the tub, it does go to show just how careless some people can be. If you are going to be drinking and enjoying the hot tub, which we all do from time to time, please be extra careful, and look after your friends. If you have a lockable cover, use it.

The article goes on to say, “According to the report, the husband told police Kuehne started drinking alcohol at 2 p.m.” Surely this man didn’t deserve to die this way, and my heart goes out to his family.

Of course hindsight is 20-20. I would suggest however, that people with young children or animals always lock the cover down. It’s not enough to have a cover over the hot tub if someone can simply lift it up and get in, or fall in. Prevention is always the best medicine.