Cover shape: Rounded Square or Rectangle

Manufacturer: Artesian Spas

Make: Merlin (B)

Years: 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008

Dimension A: 80

Dimension B: 61

Dimension C: 7

Price: $294.99

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Looking for a new hot tub cover? We can help. Our covers are manufactured in the USA, and can be made to fit any size, shape, or brand spa that you own. All covers come with FREE shipping and are fully customizable . Choose from three thicknesses, multiple density insulation, and over a dozen colors. Order today and receive your brand new cover in less than two weeks, delivered straight to your door!

*NOTE:The dimensions above are from the spa maker. They are provided as a reference only. Hot Tub Cover Depot can not verify their accuracy. Please double-check your spa and enter your exact dimensions – over 80% of the covers we manufacture are made from client provided measurements.

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